'No one would have believed that in the last years of the nineteenth century that this world was being watched...
These words marked the beginning of H.G. Well's classic science fiction novel The War of the Worlds...and marked the end of man's child-like belief that we are alone in the universe. Published in 1898, The War of the Worlds is one of the greatest works of science fiction ever written, and it cemented H.G. Wells' legacy as a founding father of science fiction.
A 1938 radio play by Orson Welles caused mass panic when it hit the airwaves, and frankly we haven't been able to trust aliens ever since.
Here now, are bold new visions of Alien and Human conflicts on many different fronts.'
1. After Welles by Michael Scott Bricker
2. Weird Fruits by Camille Alexa
3. Killers by Vincent L. Scarsella
4. The Dodo Dragon by Sheila Crosby
5. The Virus of Memory by Gerard Daniel Houarner
6. What Makes You Tick by David Steffen
7. The Broken Hand Mirror of Venus by Mark Onspaugh
8. Common Time by Bruce Golden
9. Steve's Really Cool Movie Blog by RJ Sevin
10. Moth Tamuth Robotica by Kristen Lee Knapp
11. Empire of the Moon by Harper Hull
12. The Spacer and the Cabbages by Auston Habershaw
13. John's List by Brent Knowles
14. Tequila Sunset by Michele Garber
15. Another End of the World by Michael Penkas
16. A Sweetheart Deal by JW Schnarr and John Sunseri
17. The Rainmaker by Mike Barretta
18. News on the March by Edward Morris
19. My Beautiful Boy by Jodi Lee
20. To Love a Monster by Victorya
21. The Candle Room by James S. Dorr
22. Usher by Davin Ireland